What is Time Management ?

Time Management Tips for Plumbers | Outcomes Business Group

Time management is the process of planning how to divide your time between specific activities. If you are not managing your time well, there are no way you are going to reach your goal at work and the life outside of it.

Time management maybe aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects and complying with a due date. initially time management referred to just business or work activities, but eventually the term broadened to include personal activities as well.

The truth is that the time is the greatest equalizer in life, no matter who your are, your age, gender, income or religion, you have the same amount of time as the next person. Whether you are rich or poor, your time is the same. It is not about how much time you have, it is about how effectively you mange your time.

There are some time management tips for achieving you Goals.

GOAL: Set your Goals

The time management is about making your available time to serve your needs. Each decision should be based upon what you are trying to achieve in your life. Having clear goals makes it much easier to make the right decision.

"My Dream Doesn’t Let Me Sleep"

PRIORITIZATION: Thing which matter most never be at the mercy of things which matter least

In school and at home, you may have been praised for having many good ideas but in the real world, you need time management skills to stop you getting carried away with your good ideas. Any idea is only as good as it is execution. If you are trying to execute too many ideas, you will end up executing none.

SELF-AWARENESS: When I discover who am I, I will be free

Remember, time management is not a one size fits all discipline. When you have a high level of self awareness, you are able to take the very best time management advice and tailor it to fit your own style.

"Self actualization is the Key. No one wants to know you if you do not want to know yourself" 

SELF-MOTIVATION: Always choose the future over the past, what do we do now?

Whatever it is that you are trying to do with your life, it is you who will benefit from it. If you do not have the motivation, nobody else is going to give it to you. And if you cannot get yourself motivated for your job, you need to ask whether you should be doing that job.

FOCUS: Lack of direction, not lack of time is the problem. We all have twenty-four hours a day

Focus is made of two time management skills, the ability to quickly identify the most important task you can complete at the time and; the ability to block everything else out while you focus on that task.

DECISION MAKING: Waiting hurts. Forgetting hurts. But not knowing which decision to take can sometimes be the most painful

When you understand the time and resources needed to complete each task, you will better able to decide what to do in any given moment because, your options will be limited by the time and resources available to you at that time.

"Decisions made in immense happiness or anger always result in regret. Stop and use your intellect" 

PLANNING: Give me Six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first Four sharping the Axe

Planning done the right way is quick and easy but when we use the wrong method it become a real pain. You know the easy way as you do it naturally. Unfortunately, you have been thought to over complicate things.

COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid

Learning to say NO and saying it on a regular basis, wherever appropriate, is one of the quickest ways that you can improve your time management.

QUESTIONING AND CHALLENGING: In all affair it is a health thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted

Asking questions upfront will allow you to avoid a lot of hardship further down the line. Taking the time to achieve clarity at the beginning will save you far more time in the long run.

DELEGATION/OUTSOURCING: You need to start paying other people to do stuff for even before you feel you are ready

There is a big difference being responsible for getting something done and; being the one who must do it. When you realize this, you can save a great deal of time availing of the help that others can offer you.

COPING SKILLS: If you are not in over head, how do you know how tall you are

Coping skills are essential time management skills because as the cliche goes the show must go on. If you let setback stop you; you will never get anything done.

STRESS MANAGEMENT: Convince yourself everyday that you are worthy of a good life. Let go of stress, breathe, stay positive, all is well

Time management and Stress management skills are intertwined. they also have one major thing in common-they allow you to understand that it is better to prevent the problem occurring than having to deal with it once it does occur. If you want to improve your time management skills, make proactive stress management a ritual in your life.

"Smiling will make you happy the way happiness makes you smile"



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